Stuffed! The 30,000-calorie Christmas feast eaten by the world's fattest mum in ONE two-hour sitting

Written By froogy on Monday, December 27, 2010 | 7:39 AM

A New Jersey woman who hopes to become the fattest woman in the world got 30,000 calories closer to her 1,000lb goal with a festive feast that could have fed dozens of revellers.

46-stone Donna Simpson, sitting in a reinforced metal chair, chowed down on the world's biggest Christmas dinner as she ate for two straight hours on Saturday.

The single mother-of-two tucked into two 25lb turkeys, two maple-glazed hams, 15lbs of potatoes (10lbs roast, 5lbs mashed), five loaves of bread, five pounds of herb stuffing, four pints of gravy, four pints of cranberry dressing and an astonishing 20lbs of vegetables.

Donna's at 30,000 calories in her two-hour Christmas feast -- as much as many people eat over the course of two WEEKS. Here she is earlier this year snacking on McDonalds

Donna's at 30,000 calories in her two-hour Christmas feast -- as much as many people eat over the course of two WEEKS. Here she is earlier this year snacking on McDonalds

After polishing off her enormous main course, she still had room for dessert and ate a 'salad' made of marshmallow, cream cheese, whipped cream and cookies.

Donna's two children, Devin, 14, and Jacqueline, three, enjoyed a more modest feast.

The 5'2 Donna defended her £150 meal, saying: 'I eat as much as I want, whenever I want but at this time of year I really go all out.

'Christmas should give you carte blanche to do whatever you want.'

Donna, who insists she is healthy, told the Sunday Mirror: 'People who feel guilty about eating are hilarious.'

Donna hopes to one day be the Guinness World Record holder for fattest woman. She is already on the books as the world's fattest mum, having given birth to Jacqueline in 2007 when she weighed 38 stone

Donna hopes to one day be the Guinness World Record holder for fattest woman. She is already on the books as the world's fattest mum, having given birth to Jacqueline in 2007 when she weighed 38 stone

She makes a living from being fat, getting paid to make public appearances and keeping a website where people can pay to watch her eat.


2 portions of 25lb oven roasted turkeys

2 portions of 15lb maple glazed hams

10lbs of roast potatoes

5lbs of mashed potatoes

5lbs of chopped carrots

5lbs of sweetcorn

5lbs of roasted butternut squash

5 parcels of house-baked bread

4 pints of cranberry relish

4 pints of home-made gravy

5lbs of herbed stuffing

1 tray of mixed green salad including salad dressing.


Already a Guinness world record holder for being the largest woman to ever give birth, Donna hopes to gain 25 stone more and officially become the fattest woman in the world.

She got the Guinness World Record as the world's fattest mother, when she gave birth in 2007 weighing 38stone.

She needed a team of 30 medics to deliver her daughter Jacqueline during a high-risk Caesarean birth.

Donna met Jacqueline's father Philippe on a dating site for plus-size people, even though he weighed only 10 stone.

He supported her 12,000-calorie a day diet and was a 'belly man' who loved her enormous shape.

Donna has always been plus sized.

When she was 19 she met her first husband, who worked as a chef at a steak restaurant.

'He worked night shifts and would come home at 2 or 3am and bring the leftovers with him,' she said.

She insists she's healthy even though she needs a scooter to get around and can barely walk. Her Christmas feast cost an astonishing £150

She insists she's healthy even though she needs a scooter to get around and can barely walk. Her Christmas feast cost an astonishing £150

'We'd stay up and eat huge piles of steak, mashed potatoes, and gravy with butter.

'I started gaining weight quickly and my husband liked it.

'He said I was sexier when I was bigger, and I felt happier too.'

When she was 27, Donna weighed 25 stone, and fell pregnant with her eldest son, Devin. Her marriage ended soon after and she turned to food for comfort.

By the age of 31, she weighed 43 stone and decided to try and lose weight. She lost five stones in six months and was due to have a gastric band operation.

But just before she was due to go under the knife, her friend died during a similar operation.

'That was a sign for me,' she said. 'I decided it just wasn't worth it. I like being the way I am.'

Donna, then 37 stone, came across a website which celebrated obese women.

When she admitted her real size, Donna was flooded with emails from men.

'They sent me gifts through the post, like protein shakes to help me put on weight faster,' she said.

And she's unrepentant of her weight-gain goal, despite risking her own life in the process.

'I love eating and people love watching me eat,' she said.

'It makes people happy, and I'm not harming anyone.'

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