The saddest dog: Princess, the abandoned puppy who has to learn how to be loved

Written By froogy on Monday, December 27, 2010 | 7:33 AM

Staring forlornly up to those around her this is Princess, the abandoned pup who has to be taught how to be loved.

Staff at the rescue centre now caring for her believe she has never been cuddled and shown affection and as a result doesn't know how to receive it.

Neil Martin of Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary near Edenfield, Lancs, said: 'She's the saddest looking dog we have ever seen.

'When she came to us it was clear she had never had any love. She has been emotionally starved and she didn't know how to take affection.


Heartrending: Six-month-old puppy Princess, a bull-breed-greyhound cross, who was found abandoned prepares for her special bath to treat her skin condition


Puppy love: Princess gets her first ever hug from Sallie Conroy, at Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary just before Christmas

'Our staff are all in love with her but it's only recently that she's started learning how to enjoy a cuddle. She didn't even know how to play.

'We tried to get her to cheer up with some toys but she was scared of them.

'We're a long, long way from having a happy and trusting puppy who is wagging her tail and doing everything a dog should be doing.

'It will also be a long time before she can ever go outside and enjoy running around or chasing a ball.'

She suffers from a severe medical condition that has left her with no hair. Her illness also means that her skin is so delicate at the moment that she can't go outside. Her skin is so delicate she can't wear a jacket to keep her warm enough - even in summer.

Mr Martin, 56, said: 'Princess suffers from a very advanced case of demodectic mange - one of the worst cases we have ever seen.


So delicate: The puppy suffers from a severe medical condition called demodectic mange that has left her with no hair. At present, with her delicate skin she can't stay warm enough to go outdoors, even in summer


A bit of TLC: Sallie tends to Princess. Staff hope the baths will help cure her condition but if not they may have to pay for an even more expensive course of treatment

'It's not infectious, but is passed through prolonged contact, so we think she probably caught this from her mother.

'Even in the summer she cannot go outside without any hair. And we need her to recover significantly before we can put a coat on her to keep her warm.'

Demodectic mange is caused by tiny mites burrowing into the hair follicles, which stops hair from growing.

The six-month-old, a bull-breed-greyhound cross, was discovered abandoned in Colne, Lancashire. Rescue organisation Bleakholt took her on and are now battling to help her recover.

Carers at the centre are hoping she will respond to bath medicine Aludex but fear she will need more costly tablets.

'We are trying a more basic skin treatment to see if she responds,' said Neil. 'But for the last dog we had with a condition as severe as hers it didn't work. She might need Atopica, which is very expensive.'

Atopica is a drug used to treat skin conditions which is also taken by humans. As a relatively new drug, it can cost as much as £12 per day and sufferers stay on it for life.

Neil added: 'The last dog we treated with Atopica is now happy, healthy and has been re-homed in a loving, caring household. It's the ultimate goal for all the animals we take in.

'All we want to do is turn Princess' sad face into a happy one. We want to fix her problem and give her a new life. It will be very expensive but we will not stop short of what she needs.'

To help Princess and other animals like her donate at

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